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How Jane Fonda Earned The Nickname Hanoi Jane

How Jane Fonda Earned the Nickname 'Hanoi Jane'

A Trip that Divided a Nation

Jane Fonda's 1972 Visit to North Vietnam

In 1972, actress and activist Jane Fonda embarked on a controversial trip to North Vietnam during the Vietnam War. The visit would forever change her life and earn her the nickname "Hanoi Jane."

During her time in Hanoi, Fonda met with American prisoners of war (POWs) and gave speeches against the war. She also posed for a photograph sitting at an anti-aircraft gun, which was seen as a symbol of her support for the North Vietnamese regime.

A Controversy that Raged On

Fonda's actions sparked outrage in the United States, where many saw her as a traitor for supporting the enemy. She was denounced by politicians, veterans, and the general public.

Fonda has since apologized for the photo, saying that she did not intend to show support for North Vietnam. However, the nickname "Hanoi Jane" has stuck with her, and she remains a controversial figure to this day.
